
22 03 2009

Today has been a good day. I got lots of sleep, skipped through lots of books at Barnes & Noble, and ate lots of delicious food.

edit: I left out the most central part, though, which is that I ACTIVEly enjoyed things. Prayerful/meditative/dynamic living. One of the books I dipped into at its B&N shelf was called An Altar in the World. From its words, and the ideas expressed in other books I visited today, I derived a feeling of nearness to current published minds. I felt less alone, and also like “These are just people, creating works that comprise the media, and I could achieve this level and do this, too.” I felt a small grasp on things, like I could affect the outer world instead of being fed, directed, manipulated, or bullied by it. I can create my own contribution. What a good feeling. And that’s a good day.

I saw Allison!

13 03 2009

( :

More later, want to get in some thought pinball with my bro!

Still, I might get a new url

8 03 2009

It seems that I have a curse. An internet titles curse. <– before I knew French, including its articles <– was pretty sure “savoir” had an irregular vous conjugation

l_ucello_della_luna <– thought back to picture of swan in Rosetta Stone software and got switched around about Italian rule that makes “c” sound like “ch”… It’s “l’uccello” for loochello, bird; “l’ucello” for loosello, not a bird, I think not a word.

frollickingponies <– I sent my housemate whose birthday is today a text message that said “You wannna frolic any cuz of your bday?” I used the plain verb form, and the gerund form in my WordPress name tugged up into my consideration. One L.

Faced with a tinge of uncertainty about how to spell things, I consistently choose to go by my memory rather than – not and – look it up.  First I felt stupid, but now I’m delighted! THERE’s my humanity. BAM.

It also answers a sort of worry/prayer I’d had floating out there, that I’d gotten into the habit of choosing knowledge over faith. But cleeeearrrrly not! I recall feeling the leap o’ faith when I typed in those various names, and I preferred that feeling to just knowing.

Con texto

6 03 2009

I was writing in my journal and surfing through friendblogs when I got the urge to stand up and do some ballet stretches. They’re the ones I sometimes avoid for long stretches (or rather not stretches ha), because they bring up physical inadequacy, like “Oh, there’s where my back stops bending”. But after a hot bath, I’m limberer, and I really wanted to do them. And I did. I suddenly did. Without having practiced consistently in the weeks approaching. I was standing on one leg and stretching my other leg high without losing balance, as naturally as if I’d just sat in a chair. It happened on the other side, too. They’ve been waiting for me to happen them.



I did it!

I did it!




There’s a song by Rilo Kiley playing called “So Long”, and the main guy singer sounds so much like Elliott Smith… He does the same wheezy, breathless thing with drawn out vowels. “So just go away-hay” or “hI can telll” instead of “I can tell”. I think it might be him. I’m pretty sure they were in the same scene at the same time, and he was still alive.

I could look it up. Maybe the child star partner of Jenny Lewis sounds like Elliott Smith? I don’t know his name, poor guy. He’s so eclipsed.

Lingering flecks of things, like crumbs, hairs, or eraser cannolis, you know those bits of eraser that get rubbed off and lay on your desk? It struck me today how strong my compulsion is to use a strong puff of air to clear them away. I did it during an exam, and just now I moved my face closer and closer to the screen to get rid of that hair instead of, say, brushing it away with my hand. [eventually brushed away with hand when it appeared stuck on with perhaps oil]


The word “fucking” translates differently depending on the scenario. For instance, two weeks ago I was walking to improv when I saw a guy on his motorcycle get hit by a car. He slid sideways into the middle of the road, but he wasn’t really hurt. I’d had a feeling that, even though I didn’t have a strong desire to improvise that night, I needed to walk that way to witness something. The young woman in the car left it askew in the middle of its lane, and she came up to the guy and asked if he was okay. Then she said,

“I am so fucking sorry.”

We were standing on the sidewalk next to the Village Church, the place where many Seeds-of-Change people go and I go sometimes ambivalently. It entered my mind that walking into those doors two hundred feet away would render that sentence so much ruder, but she’d said “fuck” like it was a softener, a humbling and a compassion-laden word. Also the Chelsey-Lindsay group of orthodox Christian friends flashed into my mind, because their language is completely clean by censor standards. This is not to say that I think they’re repressed, but it’s interesting how group by group the words transform. The improv kids say it alot, but it hardly means anything other than a strong, consonanted, facetious jab.

So like the lady who hit the motorcycle guy… She didn’t say “I am so fucking sorry” to be coarse in a delicate situation, her tone conveyed anything but, but I wonder if someone else would call it that anyway? I guess I pay more attention to what’s behind people’s words.

The Hours

4 03 2009

I want to walk my dog and go to Mass, but I might just take a nap. I feel so worn out. I don’t want to disappoint the priest, who seemed hopeful that such a young person was at Mass. Maybe I could make a habit of going on Mondays.  I am just beginning all this, aren’t I? I could gradually increase my attendance. The words and the ethereal music, with modal tones major and minor glancing off each other, and the burning incense…. They contributed to a feeling that I became seamless, or a star. Calm happiness.

Today, I want to go again, but I have a study sheet for my Learning & Cognition exam tomorrow that is going to take hours, no joke, plus some Logic & Critical Thinking premises and conclusions to abstractijectify into formal logic symbols and truth tables or something… That involves reading the chapter. Yep. No mas mass cuando…escuela…obscuro it. Veritas.

Also, Joan of Arc words to memorize so I can be free of papers when we rehearse tomorrow, as I’m sure Joan was when she lived and spoke. haha

Smile, breathe warm breath into me

17 02 2009

I’ve made a decision. about my life.

TO ENJOY EVERYTHING AT EVERY MOMENT AND NOT APOLOGIZE! which is going to be very difficult since in the past I have hyperbolized shaving my femurs to represent how much I accomodate others. But there are some things that can’t be accomodated. I write so vaguely. Let’s be specific.

Today, I met my friend Elise from Seeds of Change at Art Six. She was real happy and bubbling about everything around us, how good her bagel was, a band she liked, the gift from God of writing a song… And she was sincere. As we sat and conversed, I found myself being drawn out. The image of my body as a case that I had to power into every movement, to form each word and express each tone, began to dissolve… Which is good, to get rest from those pins of existence that have (seemed to) fix me into place starting every morning, freshness drained downward (realistically, this feeling would be called anxiety, but it becomes an entire world when pervasive enough).

I felt deeply, knew as we sat there more than a cursory abstract know, that knowledge of the world can be endlessly complex, but my choice to joy is very simply accessible at all times.

“The very fact that a thought can occur,” Elise said, “And the fact that people can have the same thoughts across everything… I think that is God.” When she said those words, my heart leapt, that someone who would be identified as orthodox could think the same things as me, who feels like a leper in a Christian colony sometimes. 

And this part of my life has been put to bed for so long, but it’s inseparable.  

So what I’m putting to bed instead is the call to be an aesthete, a hipster, this forever searching nancy. Nancy, nancy, nancy. I’ve been having way too many dreams with murder in them for years, and the signs are clear. A PART OF YOURSELF IS DYING. A PART OF YOURSELF IS DYING. In the waking hours this morning, I had a dream where I was on an Arabic cruiseline with Cara. We were enjoying ourselves but had to be furtive about our identities. Then it cut to me in a car with a young woman who looked Filipino maybe. The car was moving us through a dangerous world. A man who was much larger than us stood near an overpass as we traveled, and he swung a rapier and decapitated the girl. Then the car wrecked, flames, smoke. A young man who had been the woman’s lover lurched up to the wreckage and huddled over her corpse, screaming and breathing fire onto her… She dissolved and hardened into a small piece of Venetian glass (I got the sense of the hardness as one can sense things one doesn’t immediately experience in dreams). She was a flower-like scintilla with wavy edges, a small red dash at the center with alternating blue and white waves radiating from it. I watched the lover’s outstrung grief and my face glowered down at the small, shining trinket in the soil… My visage became like a cliff cracking and falling red and my scorched voice wrung out ahhhhhhhhhhhhh… which is when I started feeling the second level of consciousness in waking that was both me in dream and me in bed contorting with empathic grief. I kept myself in dream but with growing consciousness for awhile, because I wanted to keep expressing that much emotion without inhibition, but eventually I woke up. I cuddled Waffle warmly next to me as he whimpered in his simple neediness. Another dream with murder, I noted.

I thought I could dilute myself into someone less controversial. Turns out it kills me, and that death won’t go unmarked or for that matter unstopped.

How old are you? Millenia, sir.

9 02 2009

I wish that actors lived in caves, emerged to act, and then went subterranean again, never revealing their names or actual identities. Or that they walked around in disguises most of the time (or acted in costume and make-up that made them look drastically different). Something where nobody knew who they really were. I guess this idea is the banishment of celebrities. I suppose I can’t really enforce this to the entire earth, but I thought of it today like, “If I were an actor, this is what I would do…” I would be a mysterious woman, invested in the study of life and its people, embodying that beauty in pieces (plays, films, whatever…), and preserving my art, my self, from the public eye. This is to say, “Hey, you, you who watches me… This art is about you, not me.” So I would shun fame.

~and unrelate~

My Counseling professor (Counseling is a course, I’m not being personally instructed in one hour weekly sessions)  makes the priority of his lessons self-reflection. I like that partially because I could use that in deciding what I do with my life next, and also because it makes it, well, an easier class… Last Wednesday, he commenced the class by asking us to imagine where we would be in 2013. I wondered what he thought looking at us as we all sat there with our eyes closed.

I first registered slight surprise that I would have a future. (see: slightly faulty serotonin receptors.) After moving past that, I started to imagine myself living in a flat in London with Waffle. Flannery lived nearby somewhere. In the morning, I worked at counseling practice, overall part-time. I would be out by the afternoon to grab lunch in Covent Garden with Flann and then go to band practice. Walking home from band practice, I’d pick up Indian for dinner and be greeted by a tail-thomping Waffle at my flat. I’d take him out for a walk in a park. Back home, darkness falling, I would work on writing and drawing up graphic novels. A few hours later, after a soak in the tub, Waffle and I would curl up and fall asleep in an enormously cooshy bed. The bed was a real luxury imagined in there, since I’ve mainly slept on rather monastic things throughout my life. I imagined more forward into that life, where Bible studies and gigs and ballet classes would reside. I could suddenly tack on a conclusion to this… But I just made some brownies from scratch for the first time ever, frosting included in the ‘from scratch’, so I want to leave. I guess I mentioned the imaginal exercise, because it joined in the tide of my restarting. I’m going to keep consciously imagining happy futures instead of settling into the faulty serotonin receptor wasteland. And it’s not that I ever lost optimism that the entire universe would work out okay… It’s specifically myself deemed purposeless in a world full of purpose… so in fighting, I want to imagine specific futures for myself.

Pretty Happy

2 10 2008

Pretty happy.

La La

2 09 2008

Happy busy learning day.

A Full Day

20 07 2008

I got up today with the idea to catch that silvery wave of fresh awakeness that washes over you in first consciousness and hold onto it all day.  I shot through my house like a tidy bullet, dishes, start laundry, sweep, mop, clean bathroom, burn incense, put those clothes in the dryer… putting things in their place and letting the comfort of neatness and routine sink into my bones.  I cleaned myself, too, and I wore one of my favorite outfits, a sky blue Camp Surf t-shirt that Uncle Paul got for me from his friend’s sister and my pair (or single, however you want to look at it) of Old Navy khaki board shorts that have lasted me since I was seventeen!  I just now realized.. that was three years ago.  Anyway, I enjoy the outfit because it fits so well and comfortably and summerrily (merry in a summery way).  The lines are so clean… it makes me feel like a breeze.  I dug in my garden this evening as the sun went down, defining its parameters so that, I think, tomorrow I can actually plant some things.  I ate mozzarella toast for bre–lunch–and angel hair pasta with marinara sauce for dinner, and they were both delicious and satisfying… and I just polished off a bowl of brownie and ice cream, which was earned with the day’s endeavors.

Days like these are good days.  I didn’t really worry about anything, lots of motion, a good rhythm, enjoying the world in all its robustness and delicacy… I experienced things in an undistorted way, pretty much.  I was transparent, quiet, and calm.  My thoughts especially were very quiet.  It was a respite from a long period of ulcer-worthy internal intensity.

Also… I enjoyed being alone.  Solitude is what I’ve craved for so long.  It’s not that I’m anti-social.  There’s such thing as distance for a time, with people waiting fuzzily out of focus on the outskirts of my existence.  I got afraid of wanting to be alone for awhile.  It makes me wonder if it will encase me in an insurpassable seal of aloneness… but I’ve decided I don’t think that’s true.  I can’t just be endlessly, obliviously, facelessly social.  I have to withdraw sometimes and reset myself, assess people, events, emotions, ideas, beliefs.  My mom acted like that was a bad thing, when I would tell my friend across the street I didn’t want to play.  But it’s part of my functioning and part of how I stay alive.  And she pretty much sucks at understanding how people work. Heh.  Good at other things.  Sucks in introspection.