26 03 2009

When I say or do pure things, people support me in that they voice agreement. I get surprised, because their actions don’t follow the agreed thing in a way I would expect action to follow belief. I feel betrayed, or like I’m out on a raft and people are giving me a thumbs up from the shore. It hedges my good efforts, creates resentment. I’m working to resolve this conflict.

People….. are….. different……. from……….. each other. It might be expecting too much for everyone to follow me on whatever individualistic path I’m ribboning. Maybe honestly the most they can do is shout, “I like what you’re doing” across the way. I wouldn’t want to spit on their gift.



2 responses

27 03 2009

I don’t know if anyone other than you is “ribboning” anything, haha.

8 04 2009

sometimes people are surprisingly ineffectual but that doesn’t mean they’ll stop doing what they do.

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