Existential Psychology

10 12 2008

Life comes in periods of work and rest. Rest is almost here.

I’m going to make a stack of books in my room at home and read them all over the next few weeks. Then there’s a high possibility I’ll be jaunting about the country in a car. I can hardly wait to get home to my room with space, a wooden floor, and a mirror… Because I love staring at myself in it! Not! I want to ballet it up, yo.

There’s only a statistics exam left tomorrow. It’s at 1 pm. Aren’t you glad you know that now?

Want to act… I miss improv.

Have the urge to disclaim this entry as not inspiring.



2 responses

29 12 2008

is the last sentence phrased in the imperative? heh.

29 12 2008

Hahah, that interpretation hadn’t occurred to me. But it’s funnier that way. So yes.
(Or I left out my pronoun as the content of the entry dwindled.)

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